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From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-08 15:34:12
Re-forwarding to OMPI list; because of the OMPI list anti-spam
checks, Arlin's post didn't make it through to our list when he
originally posted.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Arlin Davis <ardavis_at_[hidden]>
> Date: May 8, 2007 3:09:02 PM EDT
> To: Jeff Squyres <jsquyres_at_[hidden]>
> Cc: Open MPI Users <users_at_[hidden]>, OpenFabrics General
> <general_at_[hidden]>
> Subject: Re: [ofa-general] Re: [OMPI users] openMPI over uDAPL
> doesn't work
> Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> I'm forwarding this to the OpenFabrics general list -- as it just
>> came up the other day, we know that Open MPI's UDAPL support works
>> on Solaris, but we have done little/no testing of it on OFED (I
>> personally know almost nothing about UDPAL).
>> Can the UDAPL OFED wizards shed any light on the error messages
>> that are listed below? In particular, these seem to be worrysome:
>>> setup_listener Permission denied
>> setup_listener Address already in use
> These failures are from rdma_cm_bind indicating the port is already
> bound to this IA address. How are you creating the service point?
> dat_psp_create or dat_psp_create_any? If it is psp_create_any then
> you will see some failures until it gets to a free port. That is
> normal. Just make sure your create call returns DAT_SUCCESS.
>>> create_qp Address already in use
> This is a real problem with the bind, port is already in use. Not
> sure why this would fail since the current version of OFED uDAPL
> uses a wildcard port when binding and uses the address from the
> open; I remember an issue a while back with rdma_cm and wildcard
> ports. What version of OFED are you using?
> -arlin
-- Jeff Squyres Cisco Systems