From: Laurent Nguyen (laurent.nguyen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-10 03:57:30


I tried to install OpenMPI 1.2 but I saw there some problems when
compiling files with POE. When OpenMPI 1.2.1 was released, I saw in the
bug fixes that this problem was fixed. Then I tried, but it still
doesn't work. The problem comes from orte/mca/pls/poe/pls_poe_module.c.
A static function "static int pls_poe_cancel_operation(void);" is
declared but not defined in the files. I don't know if my configuration
make it bug.

So, if someone achieved to install OpenMPI 1.2.1 on IBM, I would like to
have some advices.

Thank you for your help,

PS: I attached some output files of my installation

NGUYEN Anh-Khai Laurent
Equipe Support Utilisateur
Email    :    laurent.nguyen_at_[hidden]
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