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From: Brock Palen (brockp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-11 10:13:17
we use torque and tm for spawing mpi jobs on our cluster.
We have a user who will be using mpiBlast. From their documentation
they have:
"Running a query on 25 nodes would look like:
mpirun -np 27 mpiblast --config-file=/path/to/mpiblast.conf -p blastn
-d nt -i blast_query.fas -o blast_results.txt"
So they have 2 extra processes that are for special use that do not
consume much cpu time thus they say spawn 2 more processes than
My question is how can I verify that the extra are placed on cpus
that already have full working process (the other 25) on them?
Is there a way to say place 25 process in the normal slots and rank 0
and 1, placed ware ever.
Does this make sense?
Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing