From: Ron Brightwell (rbbrigh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-15 01:11:16

************** Paper submission deadline extended to May 18, 2007 *************


                                Call for Papers

                2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing

                            17 - 21 September 2007

                               Austin, Texas, USA



In less than a decade, cluster computing has become the mainstream technology
for High Performance Computing and Information Technology. It has gained
this prominence by providing reliable, robust and cost-effective platforms
for solving many complex computational problems, accessing and visualizing
data, and providing information services. Cluster 2007 is hosted by Texas
Advanced Computing Center (TACC) in the culturally rich, high-tech city of
Austin, Texas. Here you will experience an open forum with fellow cluster
researchers, system designers and installers, and users for presenting and
discussing new directions, opportunities and ideas that will shape Cluster
Computing. Cluster 2007 welcomes paper and poster submissions on innovative
work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original
research work in cluster computing.

The ability to aggregate the computing power of thousands of processors is a
significant milestone in the scalability of commodity systems. Nevertheless,
the ability to use both small and large systems efficiently is an ongoing
effort in the areas of Networking, Management, Interconnects, and Application
Optimization. A continued vigilance and assessment of R&D efforts is important
to insure that Cluster Computing will harness the new technological advances
in hardware and software to solve the challenges of our age, and the next

Topics of interest are (but not limited to):

  - Cluster Software and Middleware
  - Software Environments and Tools
  - Single -System Image Services
  - Parallel File Systems and I/O Libraries
  - Standard Software for Clusters
  - Cluster Networking
  - High-Speed Interconnects
  - High Performance Message Passing Libraries
  - Lightweight Communication Protocols
  - Applications
  - Application Methods and Algorithms
  - Adaptation to Multi-Core
  - Data Distribution, Load Balancing & Scaling
  - MPI/OpenMP Hybrid Computing
  - Visualization
  - Performance Analysis and Evaluation
  - Benchmarking & Profiling Tools
  - Performance Prediction & Modeling
  - Cluster Management
  - Security and Reliability
  - High Availability Solutions
  - Resource and Job Management
  - Administration and Maintenance Tools

Paper Submission:

Paper Format: Since the camera-ready version of accepted papers must be
compliant with the IEEE Xplore format for publication, submitted papers
must conform to the following Xplore layout, page limit, and font size. This
will insure a size consistency and a uniform layout for the reviewers. (With
minimal changes, accepted document can be styled for publication according
to Xplore requirements explained in the Xplore formatting guide, which is
also in Xplore format).

  - PDF files only.
  - Maximum 10 pages for Technical Papers, maximum 6 pages for Posters.
  - Single-spaced
  - 2-column numbered pages in IEEE Xplore format
  - (8.5x11-inch paper, margins in inches-- top: 0.75, bottom: 1.0,
    sides:0.625, and between columns:0.25, main text: 10pt ).
  - Format instructions are available for: LaTeX, Word document, PDF
  - Margin and placement guides are available in: Word, PDF and
    postscript files.
  - Concerning the final camera-ready version: Maximum of 2 extra pages
    at $100/page. Camera-ready means PDF file must comply with IEEE
    Xplore formatting and style for publication.
  - A conversion tool kit for converting from Word, LaTeX, and
    PostScript and checking compliance will be available by April 11.
    See the Final Submission section then.
  - Electronic Submission: Only web-based submission is accepted.
    The URL will be announced two weeks before the submission deadline,
    on the Cluster2007 web page.

In addition to the normal technical paper sessions, we plan to organize vendor
sessions and industrial exhibitions. Companies interested in participating
in the vendor sessions or presenting their exhibits at the meeting or both,
should contact the Exhibits Chair member, Ivan R. Judson (judson_at_[hidden])
by July 13, 2007.

Important Dates:

  Technical paper submissions: 18 May 2007
  Last minute paper abstracts: 18 May 2007
  Workshop/tutorial proposals: 18 May 2007

  Poster submissions: 8 Jun 2007
  Panel proposals: 8 Jun 2007
  Workshop/tutorial notification: 8 Jun 2007

  Technical paper notification: 29 Jun 2007

  Poster notification: 13 Jul 2007
  Exhibit proposals: 13 Jul 2007
  Last minute papers: 13 Jul 2007


General Chair
  Karl W. Schulz, University of Texas, USA
Program Chair
  Kent Milfeld, University of Texas, USA
Program Vice Chairs
  Toni Cortes, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
  Barney Maccabe, University of New Mexico, USA
  Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Steering Committee Liaison
  Daniel S. Katz, Louisiana State University, USA
Tutorial Chair
  Ira Pramanick, SUN Microsystems, USA
Workshop Chair
  Dan Stanzione, Arizona State University, USA
Poster Chair
  Henry Tufo, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
Publicity Chair
  Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Labs, USA
Publication Chair
  Marcin Paprzycki, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Poland
Exhibit/Sponsors Chair
  Ivan Judson, Argonne National Lab, USA
Finance Chair
  Janet McCord, University of Texas, USA
Local Arrangements Chair
  Faith Singer-Villalobos, University of Texas, USA