include("../../include/"); ?>
From: Code Master (cpp.codemaster_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-25 21:23:52
Now I discover that I can actually use tcpdump to capture tcp packets and
use wireshark (the successor of ethereal) for post-capture analysis, where I
could use the filter:
not (tcp.port <= 1024) and not nfs
to filter non-related traffics
However is there a better way I can filter the traffic and also does TCP use
a special range of ports which I can look for?
On 5/19/07, Adrian Knoth <adi_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 05:53:21PM -0400, George Bosilca wrote:
> [bind BTL/TCP+OOB to specific port]
> > As the linux kernel need some time before completely cleaning up the
> > socket, this approach can lead to many problems.
> Absolutely. My propose cannot be consired useful for productive
> environments. As you've already mentioned, it wouldn't be possible to
> run more than one process per node.
> I see two additional approaches: let the BTL component write its
> listening output to stdout (or a file) and collect these information
> from every participating node. This is more or less a very reduced
> version of WANT_PEER_DUMP.
> The second option would dump the corresponding GPR entries, e.g. on
> rank 0. I'm thinking of btl_tcp_proc.c:111, somewhere after
> mca_pml_base_modex_recv(). In line 144, we iterate over each received
> address. It shouldn't be too hard for "Code Master" to write the
> ports into a file.
> --
> Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
> Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
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