include("../../include/"); ?>
From: Richard Graham (rlgraham_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-28 22:42:56
There are a variety of ways to create shared memory segments. I am not a
Fortran expert, but do believe this is something that needs to be done from
In Open MPI we use the mmap set of routines to create the shared memory
we use.
On 5/28/07 10:21 PM, "Tahir Malas" <tmalas_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> > There is nothing preventing you from creating your own shared memory
>> > segment
>> > for use by your application. This does not impact the MPI implementation.
>> > You need to make sure you take care of all the issues associated with
>> > multiple procs/threads accessing the same cache lines, which can cause
>> > quite
>> > a bit of performance degradation, if not managed.
>> >
>> > Rich
>> >
> How can we create "our own shared memory segment?" Do you mean Linux System
> calls? I see shmget routine, for example, but it is a C routine. Do we have
> to write a fortran interface to use it?
> Tahir.
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