Subject: [OMPI users] uninstall
From: Jacob Balthazor (jcb344_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-10 03:11:41


        I downloaded compiled, and installed open mpi off the web site but
was having problems. I then installed open mpi and ins libs via yum.
Adter that I was able to compile and run mpi programs locally but ran
into problems when I tried to run them across two computers (see
output below). I was told that this was probably because I have two
different copies of openmpi. I uninstalled openmpi via yum and am now
trying to figure out the best way to uninstall the compiled version of
openmpi to reinstall with a clean slate. Any suggestions?


On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

This looks like you have two different versions of Open MPI installed
on your two machines (it's hard to tell with the name
"localhost.localdomain", though -- can you name your two computers
differently so that you can tell them apart in the output?).

You need to have the same version of Open MPI installed on both

On Jun 2, 2009, at 3:52 AM, jacob Balthazor wrote:

> Hi,
> I am just getting my feet wet with openmpi and can't seem to
> get it running. I installed openmpi and all it's components via yum
> and am able compile and run programs with mpi locally but not across
> the two computers. I set up the keyed ssh on both mechines and am
> able to log into another without asking for a password. From reading
> online it looks like my problem may stem from an
> unconfigured .bash_profile as I don't think yum would have
> configured it for me. My question is where does yum stick the bin
> and lib files that I need to reference in my profile? What should my
> bash_profile look like? Thank you for reading and am eagerly
> awaiting your reply.
> -Jacob
> My Profile:
> # .bash_profile
> # Get the aliases and functions
> if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
> . ~/.bashrc
> fi
> # User specific environment and startup programs
> export PATH
> When I try to run it:
> [beowulf2_at_localhost Desktop]$ mpirun --hostfile hostfile -np 4 a.out
> [localhost.localdomain:08564] Error: unknown option "--bootproxy"
> input in flex scanner failed
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in
> file base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 275
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in
> file pls_rsh_module.c at line 1166
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in
> file errmgr_hnp.c at line 90
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] ERROR: A daemon on node
> failed to start as expected.
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] ERROR: There may be more information
> available from
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] ERROR: the remote shell (see above).
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] ERROR: The daemon exited unexpectedly
> with status 2.
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in
> file base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 188
> [localhost.localdomain:06428] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in
> file pls_rsh_module.c at line 1198
> ------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons for this job.
> Returned value Timeout instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [beowulf2_at_localhost Desktop]$