Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Problem with OpenMPI (MX btl and mtl) and threads
From: Scott Atchley (atchley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-11 15:55:29

On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:20 PM, François Trahay wrote:

> The stack trace is from the MX MTL (I attach the backtraces I get
> with both MX MTL and MX BTL)
> Here is the program that I use. It is quite simple. It runs ping
> pongs concurrently (with one thread per node, then with two threads
> per node, etc.)
> The error occurs when two threads run concurrently.
> Francois

By specifying --mca pml cm, both traces are using the MTL. To use the
BTL, try:

$ mpiexec --mca btl mx,sm,self -machinefile ./joe -np 2 ./

or simply:

$ mpiexec -machinefile ./joe -np 2 ./concurrent_ping
