Subject: [OMPI users] Linking MPI applications with pgi IPA
From: Brock Palen (brockp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-19 14:57:59

When linking application that are being compiled and linked with the -
Mipa=fast,inline option, the IPA stops with errors like this case
with amber:

The following function(s) are called, but no IPA information is
mpi_allgatherv_, mpi_gatherv_, mpi_bcast_, mpi_wait_, mpi_get_count_,
mpi_recv_, mpi_isend_, mpi_gather_, mpi_allreduce_, mpi_abort_,
mpi_finalize_, mpi_send_
Linking without IPA

Is there a way to tell the compiler its ok to ignore the MPI library
and do IPA for everything else?

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing