Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Some Newbie questions
From: Ashika Umanga Umagiliya (aumanga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-29 01:00:11

Hi Vipin ,
Thanks alot for the reply.
I went through the FAQ and it also answered some of my questions.

But my problem is, since I am using TCP/Ethernet I guess that MPI uses
SSH/RSH to communicate between peers.
And for that, each peer should have the copy of the application right?

I use 1.2.7rc2 (from Debian/Lenny repo) , and I didn't see the option
"--preload-binary" , is it because the lower version?

Bets regards,

vipin kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not expert, I am user like you but I think I can help you,
> Q. After installing OpenMPI on each machine ,do i need to run a
> service/daemon on each machine?
> Ans. No, not at all, Open MPI takes care of that for you.
> Q. How does peers in MPI environment communicate ?
> Ans. Using Communicator(name of the group of processes to whom it
> belongs, technically handle) and rank of the process in that Communicator.
> Q. After implementing parallel program , do I have to install the
> application on every machine ?
> Ans. Not necessary. Use "--preload-binary" option while launching the
> application through mpirun or mpiexec.
> Useful links:
> 1.
> 2.
> 3. man page for mpirun
> Regards,
> Vipin K.
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Ashika Umanga Umagiliya
> <aumanga_at_[hidden] <mailto:aumanga_at_[hidden]>> wrote:
> Greeting all,
> I am new to Open MPI and I have some newbie questions. I have
> given 4 machines at our laboratory to set up Open MPI.Our net work
> is simply TCP/Ethernet running Debian Linux.
> 1) After installing OpenMPI on each machine ,do i need to run a
> service/daemon on each machine? (How does peers in MPI environment
> communicate ?)
> 2) After implementing parallel program , do I have to install the
> application on every machine ? (I thought the program
> automatically propagated to other peers , like in RMI applications? )
> Thanks in advance,
> Umanga
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> Research Engineer,
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