Title: Supercomputing 2005 slides
Author(s): Jeff Squyres, Tim Woodall, George Bosilca, Graham Fagg
Per request from many SC attendees, we are publishing our
slides from various talks by Open MPI team members at SC. There are
1-up and 6-up PDF versions of each. The talks are:
- Four mini-talks about Open MPI in the Indiana University booth:
- Introduction and Overview of Open MPI
Jeff Squyres (Indiana University)
- Advanced Point-to-Point Architecture in Open MPI
Tim Woodall (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Datatypes, Fault Tolerance, and Other Cool Stuff in Open MPI
George Bosilca (University of Tennessee)
- Tuning Collective Communication: Managing the choices
Graham Fagg (University of Tennessee)
- Open MPI summary presentation at the Eclipse parallel debugging
BOF (Jeff Squyres, Indiana University).
- Open MPI summary presentation at the AIST booth (Jeff Squyres,
Indiana University).
- "Why MPI Makes You Scream! And How Can We Improve Parallel
Debugging?" BOF (Jeff Squyres, Indiana University)
Presented: SC'05, November, 2005, in Seattle, Washington, USA