Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Problem getting OpenMPI to run
From: Joe Landman (landman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-01 15:34:40

Jeff Layton wrote:
> Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> On Jun 1, 2009, at 2:04 PM, Jeff Layton wrote:
>>> error: executing task of job 3084 failed: execution daemon on host
>>> "compute-2-2.local" didn't accept task
>> This looks like an error message from the resource manager/scheduler
>> -- not from OMPI (i.e., OMPI tried to launch a process on a node and
>> the launch failed because something rejected it).
>> Which one are you using?

When you built Open-MPI, did you use the


switch? Or if this is an OFED release, is it possible that this wasn't

FWIW, this looks like a Rocks compute node ("compute-2-2.local" gives
that away). The OFED Rolls in Rocks have had a few issues in the past
with how they were built, so you may be running into that. If you
didn't build it yourself, I'd suggest at least giving that a try.

Alternatively, OFED-1.4 is pretty good. Has a later version of Open-MPI
than 1.3.x


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