Subject: Re: [OMPI users] mpi trace visualization
From: Eugene Loh (Eugene.Loh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-01 18:18:01

Roman Martonak wrote:

>I would like to profile the MPI code using the vampir trace integrated
>in openmpi-1.3.2. In order to visualize
>the trace files, apart from commercial vampir, is there some free
>viewer for the OTF files ?
I'm rusty on this stuff.

If you go to there is an "OTF
Tutorial". On slide 5, there is a diagram showing tools, formats,
convertors, etc. The diagram is colorful, but it's a few years old and
represents a particular community of tool developers/users. The
implication seems to be that the answer to your question is "TAU". Best
to check since I have never used TAU myself. That same URL has a link
to TAU.

Depending on what you want to do, otfdump could also help. At least
it's free!

One last option: Sun Studio tools are available for free on SPARC and
x64 and on Solaris and Linux. You can use OMPI or Sun ClusterTools (Sun
MPI, based on OMPI). You can collect MPI tracing data (which uses the
VampirTrace instrumentation inside OMPI) and then view the data (MPI
timelines and all sorts of statistical analyses of the data).