Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Pb in configure script when using ifort with "-fast" + link of opal_wrapper
From: DEVEL Michel (Michel.Devel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-03 10:14:17

Ralph Castain a écrit :
> I assume you re-did the ./configure command?
Thanks for your answer.
> Did you also remember to "make clean" before doing your "make all
> install"?
No, but now that I have done it, the result is the same: "ld: attempted
static link of dynamic object `../../../opal/.libs/'
> Also, I note that your prefix looks really strange - it looks like you
> are trying to install OMPI where the Intel compiler is located? Are
> you sure you want to do that?
Well yes, but maybe it is a silly thing. I wanted to do that because of
lazyness to avoid having to make a script to add the directories to
$PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and so on. Furthermore, I would like to keep a
version compiled with gcc and gfortran in /usr/local.

Sincerely yours,
Michel DEVEL