Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Pb in configure script when using ifort with "-fast" + link of opal_wrapper
From: Rainer Keller (keller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-03 11:34:46

Dear Michel,
per the naming convention test in configure:
   ifort -fast
will turn on -xHOST -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div -static,
of which -ipo turns on interprocedural optimizations for multiple files.
Here the compiled object file does not contain the symbols searched for in the

Looking into the simple test-case in configure and the options that one has to
figure out the naming convention using compilation (-c), I don't see an other
other than disabling -fast & -ipo for intel-fortan compilers.

Please check trunk in commit r21363.

On Wednesday 03 June 2009 09:29:09 am DEVEL Michel wrote:
> In fact I forgot to put back to '-fast -C' the FCFLAGS variable (from
> '-O3 -C'). There is still an error (many opal_*_* subroutines not found
> during the ipo step) at the same place, coming from the fact that
> "ld: attempted static link of dynamic object
> `../../../opal/.libs/'
> although I put --enable-static in the configure step...

> Any idea of how to make the static libraries ?

In order to statically link at least the intel-libraries, please add
  -static-intel (in previous intel compilers called -i-static)

With best regards,

Rainer Keller, PhD                  Tel: +1 (865) 241-6293
Oak Ridge National Lab          Fax: +1 (865) 241-4811
PO Box 2008 MS 6164           Email: keller_at_[hidden]
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2008    AIM/Skype: rusraink