Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Pb in configure script when using ifort with "-fast" + link of opal_wrapper
From: DEVEL Michel (Michel.Devel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-03 13:07:13

Dear Reiner, Jeff, Gus and list,

Thanks for your suggestions, I will test them tomorrow.

I did not check your mails before because I was busy trying the
gcc/gfortran way.
I have other problems:
- for static linking I am missing plenty of ibv_* routines. I saw on the
net that they should be in a libibverbs library, but I cannot find it.
- dynamic linking is OK, but when I test a simple test program on my
machine (i7 920) with an mpd-hosts containing a single line with the
name of the machine and slots=4, the program only execute provided I
give my password, allthough I do have a .rhosts file with the name of my
machine in my home directory.

Sincerely yours,
Michel DEVEL