Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Compile problems with 1.3.2
From: Jim Kusznir (jkusznir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-29 19:18:46

That sounds good; I'm glad there are a variety of tools out there.

However, this now brings me back to my origional problem. I was
successful at compiling openmpi after disabling vt, but if I want to
use (some of) these tools, I'll need that enabled...So how do I fix
the actual problem and compile openmpi with vt?

Also, as a side note, the rpm generation process also mentioned
several files that were "installed but unpackaged"; many of these look
like they should not be:

warning: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Eugene Loh<Eugene.Loh_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Jim Kusznir wrote:
>> Ok, trying now.  This does bring up a question I've been meaning to
>> ask.  I need to find a way to analyze the efficiency of parallel jobs,
>> and the only way I've known about in the past is through vampire.  I
>> do not have the software license presently (and last I looked, it was
>> a commercial licensed product).  Does this configure flag suggest that
>> openmpi has native support for generating vampire trace files?  Is
>> there any open source tools for analyzing them (or another route I
>> should be looking at)?
> Writing up a FAQ entry on this subject remains on my "to do" list.  (Hasn't
> gotten dropped off the list, but hasn't gotten done either.)
> Open MPI *does* have VampirTrace in it, but then VampirTrace is available
> freely anyhow.  The question is what you're going to do with the trace data.
>  You can get a Vampir license.  If you want an open-source tool for
> analyzing VT traces, I *think* you can use TAU, but am not sure.  There are
> also crude tools like otfprofile and otfdump.  Leo P recently raised some
> number of these issues on the "devel" alias and was told by the Vampir
> people (per e-mail not reported to the devel archives) that to look at VT
> data, you really need to get Vampir.  Evaluation licenses are apparently
> available.
> I thought I had sent e-mail out on this subject before, but cannot find it.
>  Other open source performance tools supposedly include Jumpshot (associated
> with MPICH, but usable with OMPI), mpiP, FPMPI, and IPM.  (I'm just dropping
> a bunch of acronyms on you here.  I'm not that familiar with any of these
> tools.)
> If you're not so much interested in open source as in "free download", then
> another option is Sun Studio Performance Analyzer, which uses VT tracing and
> provides a GUI and command-line tool to look at the data.  Use was described
> in this message:
> Personally, I'd recommend Sun Studio.  (Fair disclosure:  I'm a Sun
> employee.)
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