Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Compile problems with 1.3.2
From: Eugene Loh (Eugene.Loh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-29 19:42:23

Jim Kusznir wrote:

>That sounds good; I'm glad there are a variety of tools out there.
>However, this now brings me back to my origional problem. I was
>successful at compiling openmpi after disabling vt, but if I want to
>use (some of) these tools, I'll need that enabled...
Well, it depends...

>On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Eugene Loh<Eugene.Loh_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>Open MPI *does* have VampirTrace in it...
Okay, yeah. You'd want to build OMPI with VT, but then need to find a
tool to read the data.

>>I thought I had sent e-mail out on this subject before, but cannot find it.
>>Other open source performance tools supposedly include Jumpshot (associated
>>with MPICH, but usable with OMPI), mpiP, FPMPI, and IPM. (I'm just dropping
>>a bunch of acronyms on you here. I'm not that familiar with any of these
None of these need VT.

>>If you're not so much interested in open source as in "free download", then
>>another option is Sun Studio Performance Analyzer, which uses VT tracing and
>>provides a GUI and command-line tool to look at the data. Use was described
>>in this message:
This doesn't need the VT in OMPI... it has its own. So, you could build
OMPI without VT and still be able to use Sun Analyzer. In fact, you
could use Sun Analyzer with a number of MPI implementations that don't
have VT in them at all.